This project started out as a simple need to replace the broken back door of the original tabernacle at St. Mary’s Church. However, King Richard’s could sense that the pastor wanted something more. So in turn, the KR Sales team worked with the pastor of St. Mary’s of Hagerstown, Maryland to understand and design a brilliant new work of art that will continue to inspire parishioners with reverence and awe of God’s most precious gift in the Holy Eucharist.
This tabernacle began as an elegant design from King Richard’s Liturgical design team in early summer of 2023. KR’s design team paid attention to every detail requested by the pastor and his team to bring the perfect tabernacle into existence for the parish of St. Mary’s.
Our artist used the highest quality materials and finest craftsmanship to create this work of art. The intricate carvings on the doors and sides speak of a worthy home for Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. The sides and top of the piece are catechetical in nature as they speak of the wine and the bread which are the two forms of species that the Lord will consecrate through the priests to become His body and blood. Each of the saints were chosen by the pastor because of their devoting to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
This tabernacle is now a new central piece that will continue to inspire generations to come with love and devotion for Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.
Michael Barone, of King Richards, commends the pastors of St. Mary’s, saying, “They were great to work with! They knew what they wanted and we worked together to make the perfect central piece for St. Mary’s sanctuary”.