Completed Projects: Sanctuary Fittings

New Day Chapel Hires King Richards for all Design, Crafting, and Installing of its Marble Altar Table and Pulpit Lectern

Project #: P-1280 Location: Mitchell,  South Dakota  Project Type: Marble Fittings, Install, Altar Table, and [...]

King Richard’s installing new marble Altar table and Ambo at historic church.

Project #:  P-1734 Location: Lima, Ohio  Project Type:  Altars Table, and Pulpit  Date: August 2013

KR contracts marble, stained glass, liturgical design, a new altar, altar table, ambo, a baptismal font and all new lighting for St. Theresa’s in Grovetown, GA.

Project #:  P-1711 Location: Grovetown, Georgia Project Type: Altar, Stained Glass, Altar Ware, Altar of [...]

KR designs, fabricates, delivers and installs marble and mosaic sanctuary fittings for Florida church.

Project #:  P-1713 Location: Florida Project Type: Marble Altars, Marble Pulpits/Lecterns, Marble Baptismal Fonts Date: [...]

Installation of stunning wood and brass ambo in Singapore.

Project #: P-1705 Location: Singapore Project Type:  Furniture, Pulpits/Ambos Date: September 2017

Rhode Island church entrusts King Richard’s buyers and crews with some very fine wood sanctuary fittings.

Project #: P-1524 Location: Rhode Island Project Type: Sanctuary Fittings, Pulpit, Altar Railings

New marble lectern made to match the other new fittings King Richard’s provided for this chapel.

Project #: P-1531 Location: Florida Project Type: Custom-Design, Furniture, Marble

King Richard’s purchased and rescued every possible artifact that could be safely removed from collapsed church.

Project #: P-1509 Location: Chicago, IL Project Type: Removal/Rescue, Furniture, Altar Ware/Altar of Sacrifice

New hand-carved furnishings included this custom small altar table and custom angel lectern.

Project #: P-1539 Location: New Jersey Project Type: Altar of Sacrifice, Lectern

New Marble Altar Set for a Retreat Center from King Richard’s Designs and Marble Setters

Project #: P-1640 Location: Florida Project Type: Marble Altar Table, and Ambo

Contempoary Travertine Marble Set from Italy leaves Pennsylvania for its New Home in Atlanta, Georgia

Project #: P-1590 Location: Scranton, Pennsylvania Project Type: Marble Products, Altars and Altar Rails, Ambos, [...]

New Carved Wood Ambo from King Richard’s Workshops and Designs.

Project #: P-1430 Location: California Project Type: Wood Pulpit and Ambo